Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Another (probably very cliche and horrible) idea has struck me.
Probably overdone, but it fits with the surreal element, and might work well with the whole Isolation concept - dreams as an escape, maybe?
Hopefully in my research, I'll find something better than just 'dreams.'


Well, my Viva went horribly, so I'm pretty sure I want to recreate my idea.
1. I've decided to ditch the historical fiction - to be honest with myself, it wasn't that interesting to me either. I just felt like I needed to have something to research.
2. I've ditched (maybe) the autism idea. I haven't entirely dismissed it - I still may bring it into my idea - but for now, I'll put the idea itself on the backburner and instead, focus mostly on
3. The character of Jane. I've decided to reshape my three stories so that they will be placed within different stages in her life, as opposed to having three completely different perspectives. I've also decided to incorporate an omniscient narrator between the stories, so it all feels more cohesive. As well as all this, I'm working more on figuring a quote or some idea or picture or ANYTHING that I can interweave into the three stories. So far, all I've got is
No man is an island
courtesy of John Donne.

One of the biggest issues is the fact that I've left it so late to reshape my idea, and I'll need to have a draft in by the end of the term, and I'll need to figure out half yearly exam study too. And from all this still stands the BIG PROBLEM:
This itself is turning out to be one of the most stressful parts of the whole process. I need to come up with something SOON. I'm thinking of basing the plots themselves on the John Donne quote.